Geodataset Name:      CPRAC
Geodataset Type:      SHAPE
Geodataset Feature:   POLYGON


This coverage contains estimates of agricultural cropping-practices in counties in 
the conterminous United States (the coextensive 48 states) as reported in the 1987 
Census of Agriculture (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1989a). Agricultural 
cropping-practice data are reported as either acres, or as a percentage of county 
area. Agricultural cropping-practice estimates were generated from surveys of all 
farms where $1,000 or more of agricultural products were sold, or normally would 
have been sold, during the census year. 
DATA SOURCE(S):                   U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division (WRD)
GEODATASET EXTENT:                State of Florida


Datafile Name: CPRAC1.DBF

NAME           LENGTH     TYPE         PRECISION
SHAPE            8       SHAPEPOLY        0     
AREA             9       DECIMAL          0
PERIMETER        9       DECIMAL          3
FIPS             9       DECIMAL          0
ST               2       CHARACTER        0
CNTYNAME        23       CHARACTER        0
PLYTYPE          9       DECIMAL          0
AREA_ACRES       9       DECIMAL          3
CA2107           9       DECIMAL          3
PCT2107          9       DECIMAL          3
CA2110           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2117           9       DECIMAL          3
PCT2117          9       DECIMAL          3
CA2120           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2127           9       DECIMAL          3
PCT2127          9       DECIMAL          3
CA2130           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2137           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2140           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2197           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2200           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2227           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2230           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2237           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2240           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2287           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2290           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2297           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2300           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2307           9       DECIMAL          3
PCT2307          9       DECIMAL          3
CA2310           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2317           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2320           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2367           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2370           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2397           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2400           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2427           9       DECIMAL          3
CA2430           9       DECIMAL          3
FIPSST           9       DECIMAL          0
FIPSCNTY         9       DECIMAL          0
DESCRIPT        50       CHARACTER        0



SHAPE             Data attribute inherent to the ESRI shapefile format,
                   which defines the data as a point, polyline, or polygon.
AREA              Area of polygon in square coverage units (meters) 
PERIMETER         Perimeter of polygon in coverage units (meters) 

FIPS              5-digit County Federal Information Processing Standard code
ST                Two-character state abbreviation 
CNTYNAME          County name 
PLYTYPE           0 county land, others are lakes, estuaries, etc.
AREA_ACRES        Total county land area (all polygons) in acres 
CA2107            Corn for grain or seed, harvested, 1987 (acres) 
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99 
PCT2107           Percent of county as corn for grain or seed, harvested, 1987
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99  
CA2110            Corn for grain or seed, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2117            Sorghum for grain or seed, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
PCT2117           Percent of county as sorghum for grain or seed, harvested, 1987 
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99  
CA2120            Sorghum for grain or seed, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2127            Wheat for grain, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
PCT2127           Percent of county as wheat for grain, harvested, 1987
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99  
CA2130            Wheat for grain, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2137            Barley for grain, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2140            Barley for grain, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2197            Oats for grain, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2200            Oats for grain, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2227            Rice, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2230            Rice, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2237            Rye for grain, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing = -99   
CA2240            Rye for grain, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing = -99   
CA2287            Cotton, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2290            Cotton, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2297            Tobacco, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2300            Tobacco, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2307            Soybeans for beans, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
PCT2307           Percent of county as soybeans for beans, harvested, 1987
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2310            Soybeans for beans, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2317            Dry edible beans, excluding limas, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2320            Dry edible beans, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2367            Irish potatoes, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2370            Irish potatoes, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2397            Sugar beets for sugar, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2400            Sugar beets for sugar, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2427            Sugar cane for sugar, harvested, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
CA2430            Sugar cane for sugar, irrigated, 1987 (acres)
                   numeric values greater than 0, missing  -99   
FIPSST            Two-digit state Federal Information Processing Standard code
FIPSCNTY          Three-digit county Federal Information Processing Standard code
DESCRIPT          FDGL added item based on CNTYNAME


Most of the attributes summarized represent 1987 data, but some information for the 
1982 Census of Agriculture also was included. 

The polygons representing county boundaries in the conterminous United States, as 
well as lakes, estuaries, and other nonland-area features were derived from the 
Digital Line Graph (DLG) files representing the 1:2,000,000-scale map in the 
National Atlas of the United States (1970). 

Keywords crops Agricultural cropping-practices Census of Agriculture Counties 
United States 

The agricultural cropping-practice estimates in this coverage are intend for use in 
estimating regional cropping-practices, and in producing visual displays and 
mapping relative amounts of agricultural crops across broad regions of the United 
A note concerning data scale:
Scale is an important factor in data usage. Certain scale datasets are not
suitable for some project, analysis, or modelling purposes. Please be sure
you are using the best available data.

1:24000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the county
level. 1:24000 data should NOT be used for high accuracy base mapping such
as property parcel boundaries.

1:100000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
multi-county or regional level.

1:250000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
regional or state level or larger.

Vector datasets with no defined scale or accuracy should be considered
suspect. Make sure you are familiar with your data before using it for
projects or analyses. Every effort has been made to supply the user with
data documentation. For additional information, see the References section
and the Data Source Contact section of this documentation. For more
information regarding scale and accuracy, see our web pages at:



-Reprojected data to FGDL ALBERS
-Set Tolerances to FGDL Standards
-Extent set to the State of Florida
-Added DESCRIPT item based on CNTYNAME
-Dropped old internal coverage items: 
-Dropped miscellaneous items: WORKB 


U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Div. (WRD)
Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse


In 2001, GeoPlan downloaded this data as a southeast regional data set 
from the Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse 
The data was then clipped and projected to FGDL Albers HPGN (See "Map
Projection Parameters" below).


  Projection                           ALBERS
  Units                                METERS
  Datum                                HPGN
  Spheroid                             GRS1980
  1st standard parallel                24   0  0.000
  2nd standard parallel                31  30  0.000
  central meridian                    -84   0  0.000
  latitude of projection's origin      24   0  0.000 
  false easting (meters)               400000.00000
  false northing (meters)              0.00000


Name:      U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Div. (WRD)  			 
Abbr.name: USGS WRD		
Address:   P.O. Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 25 		 	
	    Lakewood, CO 80225			
Phone:     303-236-5939 			
Fax:       303-236-5959 			
Web site:  www.usgs.gov			                 
Email:     wbattagl@usgs.gov                  


Name:                    Florida Geographic Data Library
Abbr. Name:              FGDL
Address:                 Florida Geographic Data Library
                         431 Architecture
                         PO Box 115706
                         Gainesville, FL  32611-5706
Web site:                http://www.fgdl.org
Contact FGDL:
      Technical Support:                http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfeed.html
      FGDL Frequently Asked Questions:  http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfaq.html
      FGDL Mailing Lists:               http://www.fgdl.org/fgdl-l.html
      For FGDL Software:                http://www.fgdl.org/software.html