Geodataset Name:       BROWNFIELDS_AREAS_MAR08
Geodataset Type:       SHAPEFILE
Geodataset Feature:    Polygon
Feature Count:         169
This data set contains Brownfield Boundaries. Brownfields are defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. The primary goals of Florida's Brownfields Redevelopment Act (Ch. 97-277, Laws of Florida, codified at ss. 376.77-.85, F.S.) are to reduce health and environmental hazards on existing commercial and industrial sites that are abandoned or underused due to these hazards and create financial and regulatory incentives to encourage redevelopment and voluntary cleanup of contaminated properties. A "brownfield area" means a contiguous area of one or more brownfield sites, some of which may not be contaminated, that has been designated as such by a local government resolution. Such areas may include all or portions of community redevelopment areas, enterprise zones, empowerment zones, other such designated economically deprived communities and areas, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated brownfield pilot projects. This layer provides a polygon representation of the boundaries of these designated Brownfield Areas in Florida. This is an update to the BROWNFIELD AREAS - DECEMBER 2007 layer.
DATA SOURCE(S):                    Florida Department of Environmental Protection
GEODATASET EXTENT:                 State of Florida


4 OID ---
11 String ---
75 String ---
30 String ---
12 String ---
12 String ---
19 Number 9
13 String ---
8 Date ---
19 Number 9
19 Number 9
20 String ---
8 Date ---
120 String ---
9 String ---
19 Number 9
75 String ---
8 Date ---
4 Number ---
4 Geometry ---
0 Double ---
0 Double ---


Item Description
OBJECTID Internal feature number.

AREA_ID Brownfield Area ID assigned by the program as "BF" + "DEP county code (2 characters)" + "year of resolution date (two characters)" + "sequential area number for the specified county (2 characters)" + "000" .

AREA_NAME Name of brownfield area.

CITY Florida city in which the designated brownfield area lies.

COUNTY Florida County in which the designated brownfield area lies.

DISTRICT FDEP District in which the designated brownfield area lies.

ACREAGE Number of acres included within the designated brownfield area.

RESOLUTIO1 Number of the resolution passed by the local municipality declaring the specified properties as a designated brownfield area.

RESOLUTIO2 Adoption date of the resolution by the local municipality, as printed on the final page of the document after all signatures have been obtained.

X_COORDINA The X-coordinate defined as the decimal degree longitude projected within FDEP Albers Coordinate System.

Y_COORDINA The Y-coordinate defined as the decimal degree latitude projected within FDEP Albers Coordinate System.

USERNAME Technician or analyst who processed the graphics for each feature in the spatial data layer.

DATESTAMP Date when the graphics were finished for each feature in the spatial data layer.

SOURCE Source of information and/or data for each feature in the spatial data layer.

METHOD Code to denote processing methodology for creating the graphics for each feature in the spatial data layer.
COGO = Coordinate geometry was created from legal description.

PAPER = Graphic was heads up digitized from paper maps.

SHP = Graphic was copied and pasted from source shapefile(s).

PROCTIME Length of time in minutes to process each feature in the spatial data layer.

DESCRIPT Based on [AREA_NAME] field.

FGDLAQDATE The date FGDL acquired the data from the Source.

AUTOID FGDL feature identification number.

SHAPE Feature geometry.

SHAPE.AREA Area in meters

SHAPE.LEN Perimeter in meters

This layer provides a polygon representation of the boundaries of designated 
Brownfield Areas within Florida where a resolution has been passed by a local 
municipality. These polygons were created using various methodologies for 
creating digital spatial data depending upon the type of information provided by 
the municipality within the resolution and loosely dependent upon the cadastral 
(parcel) boundaries provided by the County Property Appraisers at the time when 
the spatial boundaries were developed. Since the data quality of the cadastral 
layer varies from county to county, the data quality of the brownfield area polygons 
will also vary.  These methodologies include the following list: 

Coordinate Geometry (COGO) created from legal descriptions of the area specified 
in the resolution. Many of the brownfields include a large area with hundreds of 
property parcels. These boundaries were compared with the most recent cadastral 
boundaries available from the County Property Appraiser and spatially adjusted 
where necessary to clearly include the property parcels marked for redevelopment, 
the roadway right of way areas (where applicable), city boundaries, political 
boundaries, and other economic incentive zones.

Shapefiles, Coverages and CADD files of the area were provided by the local 
municipality or planning and development agencies in some cases. These 
shapefiles were used without modification to the geometry to match cadastral 
boundaries. Coverages and CADD files were converted to a format compatible 
with the process software.

Paper Maps showing the scaled boundaries of the area in relation to property 
parcels, geographic landmarks, and land surveys are sometimes included in the 
resolution. These maps are compared to available GIS boundaries in order to 
locate the specific property parcels referenced. The available cadastral 
boundaries are used to represent the area where only paper maps or parcel folio 
numbers are provided.
This data is provided 'as is' by GeoPlan and is complete to our
GeoPlan relied on the integrity of the attribute information within
the original data.
The primary goals of the Brownfield Redevelopment Act 
(links to Statutes: http://www.dep.state.fl.us/waste/categories/brownfields/pages/act.htm) 
are to reduce public health and environmental hazards on existing commercial and industrial 
sites that are abandoned or underused due to these hazards; create financial and regulatory 
incentives to encourage voluntary cleanup and redevelopment of sites; derive cleanup target 
levels and a process for obtaining a "No Further Action" letter using Risk-Based Corrective 
Action principles; and provide the opportunity for Environmental Equity and Justice.

FDEP GIS data is provided as a public service. FDEP makes every effort to provide
accurate and complete data. Metadata is provided for all datasets and no data should be
used without first reading and understanding the limitations of the data.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) provides NO WARRANTY
for the availability or accuracy of this GIS data.

The Brownfelds GeoViewer is free, publicly accessible tool for viewing, searching 
and analyzing geographic data of Brownfield real estate in Florida within an 
internet browser. The GeoViewer allows you to search hundreds of Florida 
Brownfields based on various selection criteria and provides the opportunity to 
encourage the use and reuse of these sites as sources of employment, housing, 
recreation and open-space areas by providing links to the scanned 
documentation associated with the BSRA's execution as well as access 
information on financial incentives, liability protection, and other redevelopment 
expertise. Visit the site at http://ca.dep.state.fl.us/imf?focus=brnflds for more 

For more information on this initiative or general information on the Florida 
Brownfields Redevelopment Program call 850-245-8934 or the specific 
Brownfields Coordinator for the FDEP District in which the site resides. 
Questions and comments may be directed to Kim Walker, Brownfields Liaison, 

Brownfields data is provided to assist in the determination of areas with potential 
for economic revitalization. This layer was created to provide a geospatial 
reference of brownfields within the Brownfields GeoViewer internet mapping 

This data is provided 'as is' and its horizontal positional accuracy
has not been verified by GeoPlan

This data is provided 'as is' and its vertical positional accuracy
has not been verified by GeoPlan

Because a variety of sources and methods were used to derive information for this 
data, the quality of the linework may vary accordingly. This data is intended to be 
used for general locational representation and should not be considered 
appropriate for legal and/or cadastral purposes.


A note about data scale: 

Scale is an important factor in data usage.  Certain scale datasets
are not suitable for some project, analysis, or modeling purposes.
Please be sure you are using the best available data. 

1:24000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
county level.
1:24000 data should NOT be used for high accuracy base mapping such
as property parcel boundaries.
1:100000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
multi-county or regional level.
1:125000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
regional or state level or larger.

Vector datasets with no defined scale or accuracy should be
considered suspect. Make sure you are familiar with your data
before using it for projects or analysis. Every effort has been
made to supply the user with data documentation. For additional
information, see the References section and the Data Source Contact
section of this documentation. For more information regarding
scale and accuracy, see our webpage at:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 
Division of Waste Management, 
Bureau of Waste Cleanup:


The FDEP Brownfields GeoViewer is a mapping tool designed to help you locate
existing Brownfield areas and sites in the State of Florida.
FDEP BrownFields GeoViewer:


Brownfield Sites with Executed BSRAs
The boundaries of the properties within each 
designated area polygon where a responsible 
party has entered into an agreement (BSRA) 
with FDEP to remediate and redevelop those 
parcels are available in the Brownfield Sites 
with Executed BSRAs spatial data layer.
vector digital data

Information was obtained from local sources in one of the following formats:
ArcView shapefiles, paper maps, and legal descriptions.

Boundaries from paper maps were digitized over the 1994-1995 DOQQs with various
other existing layers for reference, such as TIGER Roads, USGS Railroads (24k),
and FDOT Local Roads, using ArcView 3.2a

ArcView shapefiles were reprojected and imported into the base polygon shapefile.

Where shapefiles and paper maps were not available, legal descriptions were used
to create the boundaries using COGO (Coordinate Geometry) in ArcInfo 8.0.2

Locational quality information was maintained throughout data development by 
recording the USERNAME, DATESTAMP, and SOURCE for each feature.  See METHOD 
field to determine which process was used to develop each feature.

Graphics and attributes of the original 44 Brownfields current at the time
of data development were visually verified by Camisha Clarke and Carl
Eichenberger and independently QCd by Patrick Pence.

Finally, useful fields from the original database were joined to the polygons.

A seventh Ocala Brownfield area was added by screen digitizing.
Process Date: 2000

Layer reinserted from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 3 new Brownfields Areas. Process Date: 06/11/02
Layer reinserted from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 1 new Brownfield Area and a new column, FEDERALCODE, which contains county FIPS codes for each Brownfields Area. Process Date: 07/07/02
Layer reinserted from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. DEPDISTRICT column changed to reflect full name of district. Process Date: 08/30/02
Layer initialized from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 1 new Brownfields Area. Process Date: 10/17/02
One record in the layer with incorrect county designation updated with the following SQL: update brownfields_areas set county = 'Washington', federalcode = '133' where AREA_NAME like 'Chipley Industrial Park Area' Process Date: 10/30/02
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 3 new polygons. Process Date: 11/07/02
Ocala Area 4 polygon updated from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke. Process Date: 12/17/02
Layer initialized from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 3 new Brownfields Areas. Process Date: 01/29/03
Layer initialized from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 3 new Brownfields Areas. Process Date: 03/05/03
Layer initialized from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 5 new Brownfields Areas. Process Date: 04/08/03
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 3 new polygons. Process Date: 04/23/03
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 1 new polygon. Process Date: 06/06/03
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 5 new polygons. Process Date: 07/21/03
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 1 new polygon. Process Date: 10/20/03
Layer appended to from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 1 new polygon. Process Date: 10/22/03
Layer initialized from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke with the Bureau of Waste Cleanup. The shapefile included 11 new Brownfield Areas. Process Date: 04/06/04
Appended 2 records from shapefile obtained from Camisha Clarke. Process Date: 06/22/04
Inserted 90 records from shapefile obtained from Camisha Clarke. Process Date: 08/04/2004
Inserted 92 records (added 2 more records to the earlier shapefile) from shapefile obtained from Lindsay Horton Process Date: 9/27/2004
Inserted updated 95 records from shapefile obtained from Lindsay Horton Process Date: 12/9/2004
Added 1 more record to the previously updated 95 records; from shapefile obtained from Lindsay Horton. Process Date: 12/20/2004
Inserted and updated 103 records from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke. The shapefile included 7 additional areas to the previous list of 96 records. Features created by both Lindsay Horton and Camisha Clarke. Each of the following counties provided new designations: Duval, Escambia, Hillsborough, Lake, Leon, Palm Beach, and Pinellas. Process Date: 03/17/2005
Inserted and updated 106 records from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke. The shapefile included 3 additional designated areas to the previous list of 103 records. New designations include Homestead CRA Area in Miami-Dade County, W.T. Edwards Facility in Hillsborough County, and West Ocala Expansion Area in Marion County. Process Date: 03/31/2005
Inserted and updated 107 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 1 additional designated areas to the previous list of 106 records. New designation include the Miami EZ Expansion Area in Miami-Dade County. Process Date: 05/17/2005
Inserted and updated 108 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 1 additional designated area to the previous list of 107 records. New designation included the Greater Green Cove Springs Area in Green Cove Springs located in Clay county. Process Date: 06/01/2005
Inserted and updated 109 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 1 additional designated area to the previous list of 108 records. New designated area was in the city of St. Petersburg in the county of Pinellas. Process Date: 06/14/2005
Inserted and updated 110 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 1 additional designated area to the previous list of 109 records. New designated area was in the city of Sarasota in the county of Sarasota. Process Date: 06/28/2005
Inserted and updated 112 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 2 additional designated areas to the previous list of 110 records. New designated areas were in the city of Miami in the county of Miami-Dade (BF130503000) and in the city of Tampa in the county of Hillsborough (BF290503000). Process Date: 07/07/2005
Lindsay Horton noticed that MidTown BF Redevelopment Area was assigned the wrong Brownfields ID number. She updated the points and polygons with the correct number BF170301000. This is not an increase or a decrease of the 113 Brownfield Areas. Process Date: 07/12/2005
Inserted and updated 114 records from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton. The shapefile included 1 additional designated areas to the previous list of 116 records. New designated areas were in the city of Jacksonville in the county of Duval (BF160502000). Process Date: 08/31/2005
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 118 areas. The layer contains 5 new areas: Kings Avenue (BF160503000) in Jacksonville; 929 Massachusetts Ave (BF170501000) in Pensacola; Dunbar EZ (BF360302000) in Ft. Myers; University Corners (BF010501000) in Gainesville; Southeast BF Expansion (BF420502000) in Ocala. Process Date: 09/30/2005
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 122 areas. The layer contains 4 new areas: Pinellas County Lealman Area-Wide Brownfields Area (BF520502000) in Pinellas County; 1915 Wigmore Street (Jacksonville Maritime Partners) (BF160505000) in Jacksonville; Southside Community Redevelopment Area (BF160504000) in the city of Jacksonville; 603 West Romana Street Area (BF170502000) in the city of Pensacola. Process Date: 10/28/2005
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 124 areas. The layer contains 2 new areas: Turner Envirologic Brownfield Area (BF060501000) in Broward County and Hughes Electrical Brownfield Area (BF160506000) in Duval County. Process Date: 11/30/2005
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 125 areas. The layer contains 1 new area in Escambia county, 5 01 North Navy Boulevard Area (BF170503000). Process Date: 3/3/06
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 126 areas. The layer contains 1 new area in Orange County, Hughes Supply Mega Center Brownfields Area (BF480601000). Process Date: 5/1/2006
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Lindsay Horton and consists of 132 areas. The layer consists of 5 new areas: Grand Central at Kennedy Property (BF290601000), Former 43rd St Bay Drum Site (BF290602000) in Hillsborough; 3250 Metro Parkway (BF360501000) in Lee County; Bellair Wastewater Treatment Plant and Town Garage (BF520601000) in Pinellas County; and Sunrise BLVD/NW 31st Ave (BF060601000) in Broward County. Process Date: 6/5/2006
Layer updated from shapefile by Camisha Clarke and consists of 137 designated areas. The layer consists of 5 new areas: Taylor County Brownfield Area (BF620301000) in Taylor County, 2525 Center Road Fort Pierce (BF560601000) in Saint Lucie County, Circle Tampa Ventures 1 (BF290603000) in Hillsborough County, Honeywell (BF290604000) in Hillsborough County, and Highlands County Brownfield Area (BF280601000). These new designations include 3 new counties entering the program: Saint Lucie, Highlands, and Taylor Counties. Process Date: 11/9/2006
Layer updated from shapefile by Camisha Clarke and consists of 142 designated areas. The layer consists of 5 new areas: Former Tampa Armature Works Site (BF290606000) in Hillsborough County, St. Augustine Ponce de Leon Area (BF550601000) in St Johns County, Bunnell Industrial, LLC Brownfield Area (BF180601000) in Flagler County, Sunland Hospital Parcel 1 Brownfield Area (BF370601000) in Leon County, and 1810 Barrancas Avenue Brownfield Area (BF170602000) in Escambia County. These new designations include 2 new counties entering the program: Flagler County and Saint Johns County. Process Date: 12/15/2006
Layer updated from shapefile provided by Camisha Clarke and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 12/18/2006
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 145 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 3 new areas: Avion Park at Westshore Brownfield Area (BF290607000) in Hillsborough County Bill Ding Avenue Brownfield Area (BF540501000) in Putnam County Park N Shade Brownfield Area (BF290701000) in Hillsborough County Process Date: 3/7/2007
Inserted updated dataset sent by C. Phoenix Clarke in ArcSDE, metadata updated. Process Date: 3/8/2006
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 150 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 5 new areas: Carver Square Brownfield Area (BF500701000) in Palm Beach County, Coral Square Shoppes (BF560701000) in Saint Lucie County, Enterkin Property Brownfield Area (BF170603000) in Escambia County, Former TECO Hookers Point Brownfield Area (BF290702000) in Hillsborough County, and Former Microvia Brownfield Area (BF590701000) in Seminole County. The Orange County designation of the DEEDS Orlando Expanded (BF480401000) has expanded to include several additional properties. The expanded area now encompasses over 6,500 acres. These new designations include 1 new county entering the program: Seminole County Process Date: 20070502
Inserted updated dataset sent by C. Phoenix Clarke in ArcSDE, metadata updated. Process Date: 20070503
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 152 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 2 new areas: Former Runyan Shipyard (BF170701000) in Escambia County, Medley Redevelopment Brownfields Area (BF130601000) in Miami-Dade County, Process Date: 20070711
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 154 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 2 new areas: William Lofts Brownfield Area (BF640701000) in Volusia County, and Mills Park Brownfield Area (BF480702000) in Orange County. Process Date: 20070806
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 156 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 2 new areas: Bryan Dairy Road Brownfield Area (BF520701000) in Pinellas County, and Old Baltuff Dump Site Brownfield Area (BF440701000) in Monroe County. The new designation in Monroe County marks the first Designated Brownfield Area in that county. Process Date: 20070910
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 157 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 1 new area: Holden Heights ROCC Brownfield Area (BF480703000) in Orange County. This new designation includes over 322 new acres of lands eligible for redevelopment under the Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Process Date: 20071029
In order to streamline productivity and updates to the Brownfields spatial data layer, several changes were proposed, and a new spatial data layer was created to incorporate those changes. These changes included (1) removing the point representation so that only the polygon layer is maintained by program staff; (2) adding new columns that would show the local government resolution number along with the date the resolution was passed; (3) adding the X Coordinate and Y Coordinate columns to the polygon layer to allow points to be rendered from a single source; (4) renaming columns to include a logical break in the column names using an underscore character; and finally (5) renaming columns to match the naming conventions used in the cross referenced spatial data layers. Each of these changes were incorporated into the new layer. The old point and polygon layers used to represent Designated Brownfield Areas in Florida will be deprecated on January 15, 2008 and will no longer be available through FDEP for download or future updates. These deprecated layers are called Brownfield Area Polygons and Brownfield Area Centroids. Process Date: 20071201
Inserted new layer obtained from DWM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20071205
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 161 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 4 new areas: Baratta ROCC Brownfield Area (BF480704000) in Orange County, Manatee Point Brownfield Area (BF050701000) in Brevard County, S & S Land Company Brownfield Area (BF560702000) in St. Lucie County, and Westshore Landings One Brownfield Area (BF290705000) in Hillsborough County. This new designation includes over 9.5 new acres of lands eligible for redevelopment under the Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Process Date: 20071214
Inserted new layer obtained from DWM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20071217
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 165 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 4 new areas: Tampa International Center Brownfield Area (BF290703000) in Hillsborough County, Fern Park Lowes (BF590703000) in Brevard County, Former Central Florida Drum Facility (BF590702000) in Seminole County, and Sanford Economic Enhancement District Area (BF590704000) in Seminole County. This new designation includes over 1126 new acres of lands eligible for redevelopment under the Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Additionally, spatial adjustments were made to the boundaries of previous designations now that new information is available. The boundaries of Bryan Dairy Road Brownfield Area (PINELLAS COUNTY) were spatially adjusted to position the vertices along the nodes of the 2007 Cadastral Parcel boundaries. And, the leftmost boundaries of Immokalee Airport Area (COLLIER COUNTY) were adjusted to follow the major roadway and parcel boundaries as intended in the map included in the county resolution. Process Date: 20071231
Inserted new layer obtained from DWM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20080102
Layer updated from shapefile submitted by C. Phoenix Clarke and consists of 168 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 3 new areas: Bell Ridge Brownfield Area (BF570701000) in Santa Rosa County, Tampa Tank and Welding Property (BF290704000) in Hillsborough County, and Central Park Village Brownfield Area (BF290706000) in Hillsborough County. This new designation includes over 82 new acres of lands eligible for redevelopment under the Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Process Date: 20080115
Inserted new layer obtained from DWM in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20080115
Updated shapefile submitted by Chris Williams (DWM GIS Coordinator) and consists of 169 designated brownfield areas. This update includes 1 new areas: City of Maitland BF480801000 This new designation includes over 188 new acres of lands eligible for redevelopment under the Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Process Date: 20080306
Inserted new layer obtained from DWM in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20080306
The GeoPlan Center downloaded the BROWNFIELDS_AREAS_2007.shp dataset in May of 2008 from the FDEP GeoData Directory (http://www.dep.state.fl.us/gis/datadir.asp). The dataset's projection file was redefined from FDEP Albers to FGDL Albers. The dataset's fields were upcased and three new fields were added. DESCRIPT - based on AREA_NAME. FGDLAQDATE - based on the data the data was downloaded from the source. AUTOID - GeoPlan Center feature number based on FID + 1. The dataset had two geoprocessing techniques applied to it, so that the older polygons could function more affectively in our SDE system, Integrate and Simplify Polygon Commands. The Integrate command was run in order to better align abutting polygons while the Simplify Polygon command was run to removed extra unnecessary vertices. Each command was run with a 1 meter correction tolerance in order to not negatively affect the polygons original shape. Process Date: 20080520
Data imported to ArcSDE and exported as a shapefile. Process Date: 20080522

Projection                          ALBERS
Datum                               HPGN
Units                               METERS
Spheroid                            GRS1980
1st Standard Parallel               24  0  0.000
2nd Standard Parallel               31 30  0.000
Central Meridian                   -84 00  0.000
Latitude of Projection's Origin     24  0  0.000
False Easting (meters)              400000.00000
False Northing (meters)             0.00000


Abbr. Name:


Web site:
Contact Person:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) BIS/GIS Section
2600 Blair Stone Rd
Tallahassee, FL
(850) 245-8936

ftp://ftp.dep.state.fl.us/pub/gis/data/brownfields_areas_2007.zip GIS.Librarian@dep.state.fl.us C.Phoenix Clarke

Abbr. Name:             FGDL
Address:                Florida Geographic Data Library
                        431 Architecture Building
                        PO Box 115706
                        Gainesville, FL  32611-5706
Web site:               http://www.fgdl.org

Contact FGDL: 

      Technical Support:	        http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfeed.html
      FGDL Frequently Asked Questions:  http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfaq.html
      FGDL Mailing Lists:		http://www.fgdl.org/fgdl-l.html
      For FGDL Software:                http://www.fgdl.org/software.html