Geodataset Name:              BLKGRP 
Geodataset Type:              Shape                                     
Geodataset Feature:           POLYGON 


This dataset contains census block groups as they are defined by the Bureau of the Census. Census block groups are geographic entities within the same census tract. Block groups usually contain between 250 and 550 housing units. Each block group covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one block group.

DATA SOURCE(S):                         U.S. Department of Commerce, 
                                        Bureau of the Census
SCALE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE MAPS:          1:100,000 
DATE OF AUTOMATION OR SOURCE:           Source 1990, Automated 1992
GEODATASET EXTENT:                      State of Florida 

Datafile Name: BLKGRP.DBF

ITEM NAME           WIDTH        TYPE       PRECISION 
AREA                   8        DECIMAL       5  
PERIMETER              8        DECIMAL       5  
BLKGRP_                4        DECIMAL       -  
BLKGRP_ID              4        DECIMAL       -  
BKG_KEY               12        CHARACTER     -  
BLKGRP                10        CHARACTER     -
FIPS                   3        CHARACTER     - 
TRACT                  6        CHARACTER     - 
BLOCKGRP               1        CHARACTER     - 
POP1990                8        DECIMAL       0 
POP90_SQMI             8        DECIMAL       1 
HOUSEHOLDS             8        DECIMAL       0 
MALES                  8        DECIMAL       0 
FEMALES                8        DECIMAL       0 
WHITE                  8        DECIMAL       0 
BLACK                  8        DECIMAL       0 
AMERI_ES               4        DECIMAL       - 
ASIAN_PI               8        DECIMAL       0 
OTHER                  8        DECIMAL       0 
HISPANIC               8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_UNDER5             8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_5_17               8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_18_29              8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_30_49              8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_50_64              8        DECIMAL       0 
AGE_65_UP              8        DECIMAL       0 
NEVERMARRY             8        DECIMAL       0 
MARRIED                8        DECIMAL       0 
SEPARATED              4        DECIMAL       - 
WIDOWED                8        DECIMAL       0 
DIVORCED               8        DECIMAL       0 
HSEHLD_1_M             8        DECIMAL       0 
HSEHLD_1_F             8        DECIMAL       0 
MARHH_CHD              8        DECIMAL       0 
MARHH_NO_C             8        DECIMAL       0 
MHH_CHILD              4        DECIMAL       - 
FHH_CHILD              4        DECIMAL       - 
HSE_UNITS              8        DECIMAL       0 
VACANT                 4        DECIMAL       - 
OWNER_OCC              8        DECIMAL       0 
RENTER_OCC             8        DECIMAL       0 
MEDIAN_VAL             4        DECIMAL       - 
MEDIANRENT             4        DECIMAL       - 
UNITS_1DET             8        DECIMAL       0 
UNITS_1ATT             4        DECIMAL       - 
UNITS2                 4        DECIMAL       - 
UNITS3_9               8        DECIMAL       0 
UNITS10_49             8        DECIMAL       0 
UNITS50_UP             8        DECIMAL       0 
MOBILEHOME             4        DECIMAL       - 
TOTAL_VOTE             8        DECIMAL       0 
WHITE_VOTE             8        DECIMAL       0 
BLACK_VOTE             8        DECIMAL       0 
OTHER_VOTE             8        DECIMAL       0 
HSPNC_VOTE             8        DECIMAL       0 
DESCRIPT               8        DECIMAL       0 


BKG_KEY        Code consisting of 12 characters.  The first two characters are 
               the state FIPS code.  The third through 5th characters are the 
               county FIPS code.  The sixth through eleventh characters are the
               census tract identification code.  The last character is the 
               blockgroup within the census tract.  
BLKGRP         Tract and Block Group number.
FIPS           County identification code.
TRACT          Census tract number - all Block Groups are part of a
               larger Census Tract.
BLOCKGRP       Block group number.
POP1990        The total 1990 population for a tract.
POP90_SQMI     The 1990 population per square mile for a state.
HOUSEHOLDS     Total number of households.
MALES          Number of males.
FEMALES        Number of females.
WHITE          Number of people identified as white.
BLACK          Number of people identified as black.
AMERI_ES       Number of people identified as American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.
ASIAN_PI       Number of people identified as Asian or Pacific Islander.
OTHER          Number of people identified as belonging to a race other than 
               white, black, American Indian, or Asian.
HISPANIC       Number of people of all races identified as being of Hispanic
AGE_UNDER5     Number of people 0 to 4 years of age.
AGE_5_17       Number of people 5 to 17 years of age.
AGE_18_29      Number of people 18 to 29 years of age.
AGE_30_49      Number of people 30 to 49 years of age.
AGE_50_64      Number of people 50 to 64 years of age.
AGE_65_UP      Number of people 65 years of age and over.
NEVERMARRY     Number of people who have never married.
MARRIED        Number of people who are married
SEPARATED      Number of people who are separated from their spouse.
WIDOWED        Number of people whose spouse died.
DIVORCED       Number of people who are divorced.
HSEHLD_1_M     Number of one-person male households.
HSEHLD_1_F     Number of one-person female households.
MARHH_CHD      Number of households with a married couple and related children.
MARHH_NO_C     Number of households with a married couple and no related
MHH_CHILD      Number of households with a man and children but no wife.
FHH_CHILD      Number of households with a woman and children but no husband.
HSE_UNITS      Total number of housing units.
VACANT         Number of housing units that are vacant.
OWNER_OCC      Number of housing units that are occupied by the owner.
RENTER_OCC     Number of housing units that are occupied by renters.
MEDIAN_VAL     Median value of all housing units.
MEDIANRENT     Median rent charged for all housing units that are rented.
UNITS_1DET     Number of housing units with one detached unit in the structure.
UNITS_1ATT     Number of housing units with one attached unit in the structure.
UNITS2         Number of housing units with two units in the structure.
UNITS3_9       Number of housing units with three to nine units in the
UNITS10_49     Number of housing units with 10 to 49 units in the structure. 
UNITS50_up     Number of housing units with 50 or more units in the structure.
MOBILEHOME     Number of mobile homes or trailers.
TOTAL_VOTE     The total number of voters or people of voting age.
WHITE_VOTE     The total number of voters or people of voting age identified as
BLACK_VOTE     The total number of voters or people of voting age identified as
OTHER_VOTE     Number of voters or people of voting age identified as belonging
               to a race other than white, black, or hispanic.
HSPNC_VOTE     The total number of voters or people of voting age identified as
DESCRIPT       FGDL added item containing total population numbers.


Scale is an important factor in data usage. Certain scale datasets are not suitable for some project, analysis, or modelling purposes. Please be sure you are using the best available data.

1:24000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the county level. 1:24000 data should NOT be used for high accuracy base mapping such as property parcel boundaries.

1:100000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the multi-county or regional level.

1:250000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the regional or state level or larger.

Vector datasets with no defined scale or accuracy should be considered suspect. Make sure you are familiar with your data before using it for projects or analyses. Every effort has been made to supply the user with data documentation. For additional information, see the References section and the Data Source Contact section of this documentation. For more information regarding scale and accuracy, see our web pages at:



-Set tolerances to FGDL standards.

-Coverage renamed BLKGRP from BLKGRP-100

-Numerous sliver polygons dissolved, due to inconsistencies between the Tiger Line County boundaries and the FGDL/DEP County Boundaries.



United States block group boundary data were provided by Geographic Data Technology, Inc. and are derived from the Bureau of the Census TIGER/Line files.


Projection                           ALBERS
Units                                METERS
Datum                                HPGN
Spheroid                             GRS1980
1st standard parallel                24   0  0.000
2nd standard parallel                31  30  0.000
central meridian                    -84   0  0.000
latitude of projection's origin      24   0  0.000 
false easting (meters)               400000.00000
false northing (meters)              0.00000


Name:                   UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU 
Abbr. Name:             USCB 
Address:                United States Census Bureau
                        Tiger Mapping Service
                        Washington, D.C.  20233
Phone:                  (301) 457-1128 (Geography)
                        (301) 457-4100 (Customer Service)                       
Web site:               http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/geo/www/tiger
                        GIS gateway: 
E-mail:                 Tiger@census.gov
Contact Person:         Products and Services Staff, Geography Division
         Phone:         (301) 457-1128
        E-mail:         Tiger@census.gov


Abbr. Name:             FGDL
Address:                Florida Geographic Data Library
                        431 Architecture Building
                        PO Box 115706
                        Gainesville, FL  32611-5706
Web site:               http://www.fgdl.org

Contact FGDL:

      Technical Support:	        http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfeed.html
      FGDL Frequently Asked Questions:  http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfaq.html
      FGDL Mailing Lists:		http://www.fgdl.org/fgdl-l.html
      For FGDL Software:                http://www.fgdl.org/software.html