Geodataset Name:       AQUAP_FEB08
Geodataset Type:       SHAPEFILE
Geodataset Feature:    Polygon
Feature Count:         41
This dataset contains Aquatic Preserves in the State of Florida maintained by the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas (CAMA). This dataset represents an update to the FGDL Layer AQUAP_JUN06.SHP.
DATA SOURCE(S):                    Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
GEODATASET EXTENT:                 State of Florida
PUBLICATION DATE: 19970101 TIME PERIOD OF CONTENT: Begin Date: 19970101 End Date: 20080218 DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.fgdl.org/metadataexplorer/explorer.jsp


Datafile Name: AQUAP_FEB08.DBF
4 Geometry
70 String
8 Double
70 String
36 Date
4 Integer
0 Double
0 Double


Item Description
OBJECTID Internal feature number.

Shape Feature geometry.

NAME Name of the Aquatic Preserve


DESCRIPT Based on field NAME

FGDLAQDATE The date FGDL acquired the data from the source

AUTOID Unique ID added by GeoPlan

SHAPE.AREA Area in meters

SHAPE.LEN Perimeter in meters


REVISED 5/1/95 


1.1  Start a new AutoCad/COGO drawing using the CGPROTO.DWG prototype 
drawing found in 
1.2  File the new drawing under the park ID number plus "CG" 
1.2.1 Example: SOOOO1CG.dwg for Addison Blockhouse S.H.S. 
1.2.2  All park drawings shall be filed in 
1.3  Attach, as an Xref, the USGS quad(s), if available. 
1.3.1  All USGS quads may be found in 
1.3.2  The USGS quads are for reference only and shall not be 

2.1     Electronic survey file:  Parcel deeds from 1991 to present may 
have an electronic survey file.  Research should be done to locate any 
electronic files from Survey and.  Mapping.  The electronic survey files need 
to be verified per our deeds to be certain all out easements and out parcels 
are represented.  Also, one survey may encompass several deeds and will need to 
be broken out deed per deed. 
2.2    Deed descriptions :  The parcel boundaries will be generated 
from the legal descriptions on the deeds. 
2.3    USGS 1-24,000 electronic quads:  Certain information on the 
electronic quads (section lines, water meander lines and roadways) may be used  
if and only if better information, such as bearing and distance calls and 
electronic survey information, is not available  
2.4    USGS 1-24,000 paper quads:  Hardcopies of USGS quadrangle maps 
compliment the electronic quads and provide a good visual reference.  In 
addition, if the electronic quad is not available, section lines, water meander 
lines and  roadways may be digitized from the paper quads as a last resort. 
2.5    TRW/REDI  tax maps:  Tax maps are available for some counties 
and provide information on tax parcels, government lots and roadways. 
2.6    Additional sources: 
2.6.1  Government survey plats show government lot boundaries. 
2.6.2  Water line surveys are available for some coastal water 
lines and river meander lines. 
2.6.3  Base maps for the parks may help to clarify confusing 
boundaries but are to be used for visual reference only 

3.1  Electronic quads :  If the quad(s) you need is/are not on the QUAD 
directory, notify Kelley in writing requesting the specific quad(s) by quad 
3.1.1 The quad number (s) for each park may be determined as 
1)  find the general park location using THE FLORIDA STATE PARK 
SYSTEM map, 
2)  from the GMDNCC FLORIDA BASEMAP, select the USGS 
Quadrangle(s) corresponding to the paper quadrangle(s) in the COGO folder for 
that park, 
3)  each quad has a four (4) digit number followed by 
the letter "N", "W",  or "E" associated with north, west and east zones, 
respectfully -- choose the zone which applies to all or most of the previously 
selected quad(s), 
4) record the quad number (s) on parks COGO folder and 
COGO Boundary Development Sheet. 
3.1.2  Record the request in your COGO notebook 
3.2  Electronic survey:  If you need an electronic survey file, notify 
Kayle in writing.  Include the park name, county, Section, Township and Range, 
deed date, grantor and any other information you feel may be helpful. 
3.2.1  Record the request in your COGO notebook.   
3.3  TRW/REED tax maps:  Copies of tax maps may be obtained by 
notifying Todd in writing.  Include the county, Section, Township and Range 
with your request. 
3.3.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook. 
3.4  Deeds and official records:  For deeds and other count records, 
notify Todd in writing.  Include the county, O.R. book and page numbers and any 
other information you feel may be helpful. Make absolutely certain that the 
parcel  boundaries cannot be completed without this information before you 
request it. 
3.4.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook.	 
3.5  Additional information:  Should you require any other resources 
such as government survey plats or water line surveys, notify Todd in writing.  
Include the park name, county, Section, Township and Range and any other 
information you feel may be helpful. 
3.5.1  Record the request in your COGO notebook. 

4  PARCEL BOUNDARY DEVELOPMENT For our purposes a parcel is defined as all that 
area,  upland or submerged, as described by a single deed. 
4.1  From electronic survey:  If an electronic survey is used, the 
parcel boundary shall be WBLOCKed and INSERTed on the park drawing.  For an 
insertion point, use the POINT OF BEGINNING as specified on the electronic 
4.2  From legal descriptions:  Most parcel boundaries will be created 
from the legal deed descriptions.  These descriptions may provide bearing and 
distance calls or refer to quadrangle sections, manmade or natural features, 
government lots, tax parcels, or a combination thereof. 
4.2.1 Bearing and distance calls are the most accurate of all 
the deed information and shall be used whenever available, even for water 
lines, section lines and roadways. 
NOTE:   If a bearing and a distance are provided but the 
description also refers to a specific location (section line, roadway, water 
line, etc.)  and the location can be positively determined, follow the bearing 
to the specified location regardless of the distance. 
4.2.2  When it is necessary to use information from an 
electronic quad,  verify the entities needed for your parcel boundary then 
duplicate them on your drawing file. 
4.2.3. If REDI tax maps are used, dimensions may be scaled but 
verify that the scale you are using is correct and that  you can accurately 
locate the parcel boundaries on the electronic quad(s).  Also, parcel 
information may be digitized as a last resort. 
4.3.  From other sources:  Only as a last resort and in the absence of 
more accurate information, other sources may be used to complete parcel 
boundaries.  However, the use of any sources not specified in this section 
requires Todd's approval. 
4.3.1.  Also, record your request and Todd's decision in your 
COGO notebook. 
4.3.2.  Todd will notify Kelley when other information is used. 

5.1  Parcel boundaries:  The boundaries of each parcel shall meet the 
following requirements. 
5.1.1  All parcel boundaries shall be on the B-PARCEL layer. 
5.1.2. Individual parcel boundaries should close but do not 
need to be polylines. 
5.1.3 All temporary lines used to create parcel boundaries 
should be removed. 
5.1.4. Parcels should not overlap. Notify Todd if this occurs. 
5.1.5.  When two parcels touch along one or more sides, only 
one (1) dividing line is necessary.  Double lines should be avoided.  
5.2  Parcel numbers:  Each parcel shall be given a nine (9) digit 
identification number (####-#####) as follows. 
5.2.1  The first four (4) digits correspond to the Unit I.D. 
Number for the park being developed. 
5.2.2  The last five (5) digits are used to sequentially number 
the parcels in chronological order according to deed date where "-00001" refers 
to the oldest deed.  NOTE:  If a parcel is added later, chose the next 
available number regardless of deed date and do not renumber the parcels. 
5.2.3  Clearly label each parcel on the drawing with its 
complete parcel number. 
5.2.4  All parcel number labels and associated leader lines 
shall be on the B-PARTXT layer. 
5.2.5 	Record each parcel number, grantor and deed date on the 
5.2.6	If a lease exists without a deed, use the lessor and 
lease date in place of the grantor and deed date and note it on the park's 
5.2.7	Example:  "0001-00001" would represent the parcel 
described in the oldest deed for Addison Blockhouse S.H.S. 
5.3	Out parcels:  Out parcels are areas removed from a parcel 
according to the legal description and should have their own respective 
5.3.1   All out parcel boundaries shall be on the B-OUTL layer. 
5.3.2	In addition to its own boundary, each out parcel shall 
have a parcel boundary on the B-PARCEL layer and a park boundary on the B-BNDL  
5.3.3	Clearly label all out parcels with the word "OUT".    
5.3.4	All "OUT" labels and associated leader lines shall be 
on the B-OUTTXT  layer/  
5.3.5	Out parcels will not be recorded on the PARCEL 
5.4  Park boundary:  After all the parcel boundaries have been 
completed, create a separate polyline boundary for the entire park. 
5.4.1  If the park consists of several  non-adjoining pieces, 
each piece should have its own separate polyline boundary. 
5.4.2  All boundary lines shall be on the B-BNDL layer. 

6.1  COGO notebooks:  Your personal COGO notebook is a record of the 
methods which you used to complete your COGO assignments.  It should contain at 
least, but not limited to the following information. 
1) any questions you have asked and answers you have received 
as well as who gave the answer, 
2) any request for additional information, 
6.2  Information requests:  All requests for information shall be 
written and directed to the appropriate person(see sec. 3).  Be sure to include 
all necessary information. 
6.3  Information sources:  All sources used to generate parcel 
boundaries for a park (electronic quad, tax maps, etc.) shall be recorded on 
6.4  Parcel numbers:  Record all parcel numbers (see sec. 5.2) along 
with the grantors and deed dates on the PARCEL IDENTIFICATION SHEET for each 
6.5  Plots:  A color plot of the completed park showing parcel 
boundaries, parcel text and the associated electronic quad map information 
should be included in the COGO folder for that park.  Set pen size for pen 
number 7 (black lines) to 0.030. 
6.6  Time sheets:  Individually record the time spent (number of hours) 
working on each park, on your DAILY TIME SHEET and briefly describe the work 
you did.  List meetings and other work related activities as separate projects.
This data is provided 'as is'. GeoPlan relied on the integrity
of the original data layer's topology
This data is provided 'as is' by GeoPlan and is complete to our
GeoPlan relied on the integrity of the attribute information within
the original data.

Divisions within the FDEP have felt the need to develop digital coverages for the 
State-owned or managed properties they oversee and are in the process of 
reducing the legal descriptions on deeds into a digital form by interpreting and 
transferring the legal description to a quad sheet or using  one or another of the 
COGO (COordinate GeOmetry) systems.  These lands include the Aquatic 
Preserves and the State Park boundaries.  Where possible, to minimize 
duplication of effort, the Department acquired the boundaries already created for 
the Aquatic Preserves.

This data is provided 'as is' and its horizontal positional accuracy
has not been verified by GeoPlan

This data is provided 'as is' and its vertical positional accuracy
has not been verified by GeoPlan

Aquatic Preserve information is available in two different versions.  This version 
contains Aquatic Preserve information maintained by CAMA.  Aquatic Preserve 
information is also available in the Outstanding Florida Waters layer.

Currently, all Aquatic Preserves are also Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs).  This 
was not the case in the past and may change again in the future, but an Aquatic 
Preserve was dropped.  It's important to note that there are three aquatic 
preserves whose OFW boundaries differ from the Aquatic Preserve boundary. 
These are described more specifically in the OFW rule 62-302.700:  Indian River 
Malabarto Vero expansion - does not include portions of Sebastian and Turkey 
Creeks; Wekiva River - does not include portions of the St. Johns River; and Big 
Bend - the OFW rule specifies certain "incorporated and unincorporated areas 
that are excluded."


Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Projection 
Data Disclaimer (20080606)

FDEP GIS data is provided as a public service. FDEP makes every effort to 
provide accurate and complete data. Metadata is provided for all datasets and no
data should be used without first reading and understanding the limitations of the 
data. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) provides NO 
WARRANTY as to the accuracy of this data or any corresponding attributes or 
metadata. Data is provided in an "as is" condition, without warranty of any kind, 
either expressed or implied, including any assurance that the data is fit for a 
particular purpose. FDEP shall have no liability, in any case, to the use of provided 
data (including redistribution and reproduction). Full liability, responsibility and 
consequence relating to the use of provided data rest with the user.

The Florida Geographic Data Library is a collection of Geospatial Data
compiled by the University of Florida GeoPlan Center with support from
the Florida Department of Transportation. GIS data available in FGDL is
collected from various state, federal, and other agencies (data sources)
who are data stewards, producers, or publishers. The data available in
FGDL may not be the most current version of the data offered by the
data source. University of Florida GeoPlan Center makes no guarantees
about the currentness of the data and suggests that data users check
with the data source to see if more recent versions of the data exist.

Furthermore, the GIS data available in the FGDL are provided 'as is'.
The University of Florida GeoPlan Center makes no warranties, guaranties
or representations as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of the data
provided by the data sources. The University of Florida GeoPlan Center
makes no representations or warranties about the quality or suitability
of the materials, either expressly or implied, including but not limited
to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, or non-infringement. The University of Florida GeoPlan Center
shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using,
modifying, contributing or distributing the materials.

A note about data scale: 

Scale is an important factor in data usage.  Certain scale datasets
are not suitable for some project, analysis, or modeling purposes.
Please be sure you are using the best available data. 

1:24000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
county level.
1:24000 data should NOT be used for high accuracy base mapping such
as property parcel boundaries.
1:100000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
multi-county or regional level.
1:125000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
regional or state level or larger.

Vector datasets with no defined scale or accuracy should be
considered suspect. Make sure you are familiar with your data
before using it for projects or analysis. Every effort has been
made to supply the user with data documentation. For additional
information, see the References section and the Data Source Contact
section of this documentation. For more information regarding
scale and accuracy, see our webpage at:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Individual aquatic preserve sites:

Aquatic Preserve boundaries were originally created by the Florida Marine Research 
Institute (FMRI)/CAMRA using COGO (COordinate GeOmetry) methods.
Process Date: 1996

Librarian coverage was transformed from NAD27 to HPGN using PROJECT command. Process Date: Spring 1997
Shapefile of this dataset was inserted into Spatial Database Engine (SDE 3.0.2). Process Date: Spring 1999
Four Lake Weir polygons were removed to reflect Lake Weir having been delisted. Also, 1,812 unnecessary polygons with NAME = 'NOT PRESERVE' were removed. Finally, the field LINK was added which contains URLs to internet information for each of the preserves. All of this work was done at the request of Richard Butgereit and Kathleen Swanson of ERP. Process Date: October 2000
Boundaries for BIG BEND SEAGRASSES AQUATIC PRESERVE, OKLAWAHA RIVER AQUATIC PRESERVE, and PINELLAS COUNTY AQUATIC PRESERVE were replaced by updated boundaries reworked by Earl Pearson of the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas and approved by Kathleen Swanson of ERP. Process Date: November 2000
Column PROJ_LINK was added which contains URLs to internet information listing the public interest projects for each Preserve. Process Date: December 2000
Links in the columns LINK and PROJ_LINK were updated to reflect new page locations required by myflorida.com. Process Date: January 2001
Layer name changed to reflect separate nature of CAMA and OFW Aquatic Preserve boundaries. Process Date: 12/18/02
Deleted unused columns in Attribute Table. Converted features to multi-part polygons based on the Name field. Updated boundaries of Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve, Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve, Mosquito Lagoon Aquatic Preserve and Pinellas County Aquatic Preserve Process Date: February 2008
Obtained updated data set from CAMA and inserted as a new layer in ArcSDE. Metadata updated. Process Date: 20080218
GeoPlan Center downloaded this data from the FDEP website on Sept 3, 2009. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/gis/datadir.htm. When received the data was in shapefile format and was in the following projection: Albers HPGN - Dataset was renamed from AQUATIC_PRESERVES_AREAS_2008.shp to aquap_feb08.shp - Added a DESCRIPT field to attribute table based on NAME - Added a FGDLAQDATE based on date downloaded from source - Deleted field OBJECTID from attribute table - Upcased all fields in attribute table - Updated ACRES field in attribute table Process Date: 20090903
Data imported to ArcSDE and exported as a shapefile. Process Date: 20090911

Projection                          ALBERS
Datum                               HPGN
Units                               METERS
Spheroid                            GRS1980
1st Standard Parallel               24  0  0.000
2nd Standard Parallel               31 30  0.000
Central Meridian                   -84 00  0.000
Latitude of Projection's Origin     24  0  0.000
False Easting (meters)              400000.00000
False Northing (meters)             0.00000


Abbr. Name:


Web site:
Contact Person:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) OTIS/GIS Section
2600 Blair Stone Rd, MS 6520
Tallahassee, FL

http://www.dep.state.fl.us/gis/datadir.htm GIS.Librarian@dep.state.fl.us

Abbr. Name:             FGDL
Address:                Florida Geographic Data Library
                        431 Architecture Building
                        PO Box 115706
                        Gainesville, FL  32611-5706
Web site:               http://www.fgdl.org

Contact FGDL: 

      Technical Support:	        http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfeed.html
      FGDL Frequently Asked Questions:  http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfaq.html
      FGDL Mailing Lists:		http://www.fgdl.org/fgdl-l.html
      For FGDL Software:                http://www.fgdl.org/software.html