Geodataset Name:      AIRPORT
Geodataset Type:      SHAPE
Geodataset Feature:   POINT 


This dataset contains 2002 Airport Facility Information for the State
of Florida. The Public Use Airports database is a geographic point database
of aircraft landing facilities in the United States and U.S. Territories.
Attribute data is provided on the physical and operational characteristics of the
landing facility, current usage including enplanements and aircraft operations,
congestion levels and usage categories.

DATA SOURCE(S):                   Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
SCALE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE MAPS:    One arc second of latitude and longitude
DATE OF AUTOMATION OR SOURCE:     Source 2002, Automated 2003
GEODATASET EXTENT:                State of Florida
Datafile Name:   AIRPORTS.DBF

ITEM NAME       WIDTH          TYPE             PRECISION

Shape             6            SHAPEPOINT           0
Site_no          11            CHARACTER            0
Fac_type         13            CHARACTER            0
Loc_id            4            CHARACTER            0
Eff_date         10            CHARACTER            0
Faa_region        3            CHARACTER            0
Faa_distri        4            CHARACTER            0
St_postal_        2            CHARACTER            0
Fips              2            CHARACTER            0
State_name       20            CHARACTER            0
County_nam       21            CHARACTER            0
City_name        26            CHARACTER            0
Fullname         42            CHARACTER            0
Owner_type        2            CHARACTER            0
Fac_use           2            CHARACTER            0
Lat_dec          19            DECIMAL              7
Long_dec         19            DECIMAL              7
Coord_det         1            CHARACTER            0
Elev              5            DECIMAL              0
Aero_chart       16            CHARACTER            0
Cbd_dist          2            DECIMAL              0
Cbd_dir           3            CHARACTER            0
Act_date          7            CHARACTER            0
Cert_type_       10            CHARACTER            0
Fed_agree         7            CHARACTER            0
Internatio        1            CHARACTER            0
Cust_lndg_        1            CHARACTER            0
Joint_use         1            CHARACTER            0
Mil_lndg_r        1            CHARACTER            0
Nat_emer_s       18            CHARACTER            0
Mil_int           6            CHARACTER            0
Cntl_twr          1            CHARACTER            0
S_eng_ga          3            CHARACTER            0
M_eng_ga          3            CHARACTER            0
Jet_en_ga         3            CHARACTER            0
Helicopter        3            CHARACTER            0
Oper_glide        3            CHARACTER            0
Oper_mil          3            CHARACTER            0
Ultralight        3            CHARACTER            0
Comm_serv         6            CHARACTER            0
Air_taxi          6            CHARACTER            0
Local_ops_        6            CHARACTER            0
Itin_ops_g        6            CHARACTER            0
Mil_ops           6            CHARACTER            0
Dot_tot           9            DECIMAL              0
Version           2            CHARACTER            0
Revision          2            CHARACTER            0
Descript          42           CHARACTER            0



FID             Internal feature number.

SHAPE           Feature geometry. Point

SITE_NO         A unique identifying number followed by an asterisk
                and the 'landing facility type' code.  The SITE_NO forms
                the key to the airport records in the NFDC (5010) database.
                Example: 04508.*A

FAC_TYPE        Facility Type

        	  AIRPORT            - Airport Facility
        	  BALLOONPORT        - Balloon Launch and Landing Facility
        	  SEAPLANE BASE      - Facility for sea plane operations
        	  GLIDERPORT         - Facility for glider operations
       	 	  HELIPORT           - Facility for helicopter operations
        	  STOLPORT           - Short Take Off and Landing Facility
        	  ULTRALIGHT         - Facility for ultralight operations

LOC_ID          A unique 3-4 character identifier assigned to the landing
                facility (i.e. airport).

EFF_DATE        Information Effective Data (MM/DD/YYYY).  This date
                coincides with the 56 -day charting and publication
                cycle date.

FAA_REGION      FAA Region where the facility is located

        	  ALL                - Alaska
        	  ACE                - Central
        	  AEA                - Eastern
       		  AGL                - Great Lakes
       		  AIN                - International
        	  ANE                - New England
        	  ANM                - Northwest Mountain
       		  ASO                - Southern
       		  ASW                - Southwest
        	  AWP                - Western - Pacific

FAA_DISTRI      FAA District or Field Office Code

ST_POSTAL_      A two letter postal abbreviation for the state, or
                US territory, where the airport's associated city is
                located.  This is not necessarily the state where the
                landing facility is physically located.

FIPS            State FIPS code

STATE_NAME      Airport's associated state or territory name.

COUNTY_NAM      Name of the county or parish associated with the airport.

CITY_NAME       Name of the city associated with the airport.

FULLNAME        Official Airport Name

OWNER_TYPE      Type of Airport Facility Owner

        	  PU                 - Publicly Owned
        	  PR                 - Privately Owned
        	  MA                 - Air Force Owned
        	  MN                 - Navy Owned
        	  MR                 - Army Owned

FAC_USE         Facility Use - Public or Private

        	  PU                 - Public Use Airport Facility
        	  PR                 - Private Use Airport Facility

LAT_DEC         The latitude of the point expressed as a signed real
                number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative
                values indicating West longitude and positive values
                indicating East longitude.

LONG_DEC        The longitude of the point expressed as a signed real
                number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative
                values indicating South latitude and positive values
                indicating North latitude.

COORD_DET       Determination method for airport reference point.

        	  E                  - Estimated
        	  S                  - Surveyed

ELEV            Elevation in feet at the highest point on the centerline
                of the useable landing surface. Measured to the nearest
                foot with respect to mean sea level (MSL).

AERO_CHART      Aeronautical chart on which the airport facility appears.

CBD_DIST        Distance from the central business district of the
                associated city to the airport in nautical miles
                (1 nautical  mile = 6,080 feet). Measured to the nearest
                nautical mile

CBD_DIR         Direction of airport from the central business district
                of the associated city.  Measured to the nearest 1/8
                compass point

        	  N                  - North
        	  NE                 - Northeast
        	  E                  - East
        	  SE                 - Southeast
        	  S                  - South
        	  SW                 - Southwest
        	  W                  - West
        	  NW                 - Northwest

ACT_DATE        Identifies the month and year that the facility was
                added to the NFDC airport database  - only available
                for facilities opened since 1981 (MM/YYYY).

CERT_TYPE_      Airport Certification Type and Date  - The format is a
                two -character code followed by a month/year (MM/YYYY)
                of certification.

        	  AS		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                  	  	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  by the Civil Aeronautics Board.
                          	  The A, B, C, D, E identifies the aircraft
                          	  rescue and fire  fighting index for the
                          	  landing facility, and the 'S' is for scheduled
                          	  air carrier service.
        	  BS		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  carrier service  from carriers certified by the
                          	  Civil Aeronautics Board. The A, B, C, D, E
                          	  identifies the aircraft rescue and fire fighting
                          	  index for the landing facility, and the 'S' is
                          	  for scheduled air carrier service.
        	  CS		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  carrier service  from carriers certified by the
                          	  Civil Aeronautics Board. The A, B, C, D, E
                          	  identifies the aircraft rescue and fire fighting
                          	  index for the landing facility, and the 'S' is
                          	  for scheduled air carrier service.
        	  DS		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  carrier service  from carriers certified by the
                          	  Civil Aeronautics Board. The A, B, C, D, E
                          	  identifies the aircraft rescue and fire fighting
                          	  index for the landing facility, and the 'S' is
                          	  for scheduled air carrier service.
        	  ES		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  carrier service  from carriers certified by the
                          	  Civil Aeronautics Board. The A, B, C, D, E
                          	  identifies the aircraft rescue and fire fighting
                          	  index for the landing facility, and the 'S' is
                          	  for scheduled air carrier service.
        	  AU		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled service.
        	  BU		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled service.
        	  CU		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled service.
        	  DU		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled  service.
        	  EU		- Landing facilities having a full certificate
                          	  under FAR Part 139 but not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled  service.
        	  LS		- Landing facilities having limited certification
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and receiving scheduled air
                          	  carrier  service.
        	  LU		- Landing facilities having limited certification
                          	  under FAR Part 139 and not currently receiving
                          	  scheduled air  carrier service.
        	  N		- 'N' or a blank indicates the facility is not

FED_AGREE       NASP/ Federal Agreement Code - a combination of 1 to 7 codes
                that indicate the type of federal agreements  existing at
                the airport.

        	  N        - National Plan of Integrated Airport
                           Systems (NPIAS)
        	  B        - Installation of Navigational Facilities on
                           privately owned airports
                           under F&E program
        	  G        - Grant agreements under FAAP/ADAP/AIP
        	  H        - Compliance with accessibility to the
        	  P        - Surplus property agreement under Public
                           Law 289
        	  R        - Surplus Property agreement under
                           Regulation 16 -WAA
        	  S        - Conveyance under Section 16, Federal Airport
                           Act of 1946 or Section 23, Airport and Airway
                           Development Act  of 1970
        	  V        - Advance Planning Agreement under FAAP
        	  X        - Obligations assumed by transfer
        	  Y        - Assurances pursuant to Title VI, Civil Rights
                           Act of 1964
        	  Z        - Conveyance under Section 303(C), Federal
                           Aviation Act of 1958
        	  1        - Grant agreement has expired; however,
                           agreement remains in effect as long as it is a
                           public use facility
        	  2        - Section 303(C) Authority from FAA Act of 1958
                           has expired; however, agreement remains in
                           effect as long as  it is a public use facility
        	  3        - AP -4 Agreement under DLAND or DCLA has
        	  NONE     - No Grant Agreement Exists

INTERNATIO      Customs international airport - Whether the landing
                facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as an
                international airport of entry for customs.

        	  Y                  - Yes
        	  N                  - No

CUST_LNDG_      Customs Landing Rights Airport - Whether the landing
                facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as a
                customs landing rights airport (some landing facilities
                may have these rights for cargo only).

        	  Y                  - Yes
        	  N                  - No

JOINT_USE       Joint Use - Whether the landing facility has a
                military/civil joint use agreement that allows civil
                operations  at a military airport or military operations
                at a civil airport.

        	  Y                  - Yes
        	  N                  - No

MIL_LNDG_R      Military Landing Rights  - Whether the airport has
                entered into an agreement that grants landing rights to
                the  military.

        	  Y                  - Yes
        	  N                  - No

NAT_EMER_S      National Emergency Status  - Status of an airport that is
                available for use during a national emergency.  These are
                civil airports that were formerly military airfields but
                the military services have a continuing interest in their
                use during national emergencies. Data values in this field
                are one, or a series, of alphanumeric codes indicating
                national emergency status, with each code in a series
                separated by a '/'.

        	  1          - Airport certified under FAR Part 139.
        	  2          - Civil airport where military use is subject
                             to lease.
        	  3P         - Airport is partially released from national
                             emergency use provision.
        	  3E         - Airport is entirely released from national
                             emergency use provision.
        	  4          - Airport includes surplus real property which
                             has been conveyed for, or
                             converted to, revenue production.
        	  5          - Exclusive military use airport.
        	  6          - The airport is in the process of disposal
                             or reversion.
        	  7P         - A letter of intent has been issued to release
                             a part of the airport property.
        	  7E         - A letter of intent has been issued to release
                             the entire airport property.
        	  8          - An exclusive right has been granted
                             (whether or not in violation of an agreement).
        	  8P         - An exclusive right has been granted
                             (whether or not in violation of an agreement);
                             however, this exclusive  right is of the
                             proprietary type.
        	  8N         - An exclusive right exists through a P.L.
                             80 -289 deed providing exemption for fuel and
                             oil sales; however, an  exclusive right for
                             fuel oil sales has not been granted.

MIL_INT         Military Emergency Interest  - Military department(s)
                that maintains national emergency use interest in this
                civil facility.  Data values in this field are one, two,
                or three alphanumeric codes indicating military emergency
                use interest, with each code in a series separated by a '/'.

        	  A         - Air Force
        	  R         - Army
        	  N         - Navy
        	  X         - None [applicable only where there is an entry
                            in the National Emergency * Status
                            [NAT_EMER] Field]

CNTL_TWR        Airport Control Tower located on the airport.

        	  Y                  - Yes
        	  N                  - No

S_ENG_GA        Based Single Engine General Aviation Aircraft

M_ENG_GA        Based Multi - engine general aviation aircraft

JET_EN_GA       Based Jet engine general aviation aircraft

HELICOPTER      Based Helicopters - General Aviation

OPER_GLIDE      Base Operational Gliders - general aviation

OPER_MIL        Based Military Aircraft - including helicopters

ULTRALIGHT      Based Ultralight aircraft - general aviation

COMM_SERV       Commercial Services - scheduled operations by CAB
                certified carriers or intrastate carriers and any scheduled
                commuter/cargo carriers (Annual Operations).

AIR_TAXI        Air Taxi operators carrying passengers, mail, or mail for
                revenue (Annual Operations).

LOCAL_OPS_      General Aviation, Local Operations - Those operating in
                the local traffic pattern or within a 20 mile radius
                (Annual Operations).

ITIN_OPS_G      General Aviation - Itinerant Operations.  Those general
                aviation operations (excluding commuter or air taxi)
                not qualifying as local (Annual Operations).

MIL_OPS         Military Aircraft Operations (Annual Operations).

DOT_TOT         Total domestic enplanements (inbound plus outbound)
                - this field only valid for some airports.

VERSION         The VERSION is a 2 - digit number that will be incremented
                for all records in the database whenever a new release
                is distributed.

REVISION        REVISION is a 2 - digit number that will be incremented
                individually for each record whenever a change is made
                to one of its fields.

DESCRIPT        Field added by FGDL based on FULLNAME.


This dataset contains informatin on airport facilities from the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department of Transportation,
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), and the National
Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) 2003.

The Public Use Airports database is a geographic point database
of aircraft landing facilities in the United States and U.S. Territories.
Attribute data is provided on the physical and operational characteristics of the
landing facility, current usage including enplanements and aircraft operations,
congestion levels and usage categories.

This geospatial data is derived from the FAA's National Airspace System
Resource Aeronautical Data Product (Effective 23 January 2003).

Data were obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA)
National Airspace System Resource Aeronautical Data.  This product was
published by the Aeronautical Information Services (ATA-100) with an
Effective Date of 21 February 2002.

Horizontal positional accuracy is based on coordinate data provided in the
FAA National Airspace System Resource Aeronautical Dataset
(Effective 23 January 2003).  These coordinate data identify the
approximate location of the Airport Reference Point (ARP) as reported by
the landing facility on the NFDC (National Flight Data Center) 5010 form.
According to NFDC guidelines, the location of the ARP should be reported
to a horizontal accuracy of one arc second of latitude and longitude.
However, the accuracy of these reported coordinates are not verified by FAA.
The records were loaded into a GIS and checked for any unusual or obviously
erroneous locations.

The creation of this geospatial data layer was completed by BTS in March
2003. This Shapefile was derived from textual data on the FAA National
Airspace System Resource Aeronautical Data CDROM, effective 23 January 2003
(FAA-NASRAD-23JAN2003).  These textual data were processed using AML scripts
to create a coverage with additional dbf's.  This coverage and associated
dbf's were appended together using the SITE_NO as the connecting identification

A note concerning data scale:

Scale is an important factor in data usage. Certain scale datasets
are not suitable for some project, analysis, or modelling purposes.
Please be sure you are using the best available data.

1:24000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at the
county level. 1:24000 data should NOT be used for high accuracy
base mapping such as property parcel boundaries.

1:100000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at
the multicounty or regional level.

1:250000 scale datasets are recommended for projects that are at
the regional or state level or larger.

Vector datasets with no defined scale or accuracy should be
considered suspect. Make sure you are familiar with your data
before using it for projects or analyses. Every effort has been
made to supply the user with data documentation. For additional
information, see the References section and the Data Source Contact
section of this documentation. For more information regarding scale
and accuracy, see our web pages at:



-Process Steps for NTAD 2003 Airport Facility Locations:
-Airport Facility locations were obtained from the CD-ROM
 National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) 2003
 (A Collection of Spatial Data for Use in GIS-based Applications)
-GeoPlan extracted this data in shapefile format and removed facilities
 not located in Florida.
-The shapefile was reprojected from WGS_1984 Decimal Degrees to the
 FGDL Albers HPGN map projection. (See "Map Projection Parameters" below)


Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)


Airport Facility locations were obtained from the CD-ROM
National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) 2003
(A Collection of Spatial Data for Use in GIS-based Applications)
BTS-03-04. GeoPlan extracted this data in shapefile
format and removed facilities not located in Florida.
The shapefile was reprojected from WGS_1984 Decimal Degrees to the FGDL
Albers HPGN map projection. (See "Map Projection Parameters" below)


Projection                          ALBERS
Datum                               HPGN
Units                               METERS
Spheroid                            GRS1980
1st Standard Parallel               24  0  0.000
2nd Standard Parallel               31 30  0.000
Central Meridian                   -84 00  0.000
Latitude of Projection's Origin     24  0  0.000
False Easting (meters)              400000.00000
False Northing (meters)             0.00000


Name: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Web site: http://www.bts.gov/gis/
Address: 400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Address: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
City: Washington
State_or_Province: DC
Postal_Code: 20590
Country: USA
Contact Voice Telephone: 202-366-DATA
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 202-366-3640
Contact Electronic Mail Address: answers@bts.gov

Name: Federal Aviation Administration
      (Aeronautical Information Services, ATA-100)
Address: FAA National Headquarters
Address: 800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
City: Washington
State_or_Province: DC
Postal_Code: 20591
Country: USA
Contact Voice Telephone: 1-800-457-6656 x35442


Name:                    Florida Geographic Data Library
Abbr. Name:              FGDL
Address:                 Florida Geographic Data Library
                         431 Architecture
                         PO Box 11570
                         Gainesville, FL  32611-570
Web site:                http://www.fgdl.org
Contact FGDL
      Technical Support:                http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfeed.html
      FGDL Frequently Asked Questions:  http://www.fgdl.org/fgdlfaq.html
      FGDL Mailing Lists:               http://www.fgdl.org/fgdl-l.html
      For FGDL Software:                http://www.fgdl.org/software.html