
Drag each county to the correct location on the map.


If you're having to scroll to the right to access counties, you may have resized the browser window. Simply reload the page and the problem should be resolved.

Background image of Florida


No mouse detected. Tap for details.

We've detected that you're on a device without a mouse (this usually means that you're on a mobile device). The drag-and-drog mechanism that this web app heavily relies on works poorly without a mouse pointer. You may have a better experience playing a similar puzzle designed to accomodate mobile devices.

It looks like either you have JavaScript disabled or your browser doesn't support JavaScript. We get it, so we've created a version that does not require JavaScript. Alternatively, you can learn how to enable JavaScript by clicking here.

Small screen. Tap for details.

We've detected that you're on a device with a small screen. You may have a better experience playing a similar puzzle designed to accomodate small screens. Or, you can try enabling fullscreen mode on your browser.